Be Fruitful and Multiply

Even as a young person, I was painfully conscious that there was more inside of me that I had yet to discover. Perhaps you too have experienced those “nagging” moments – something trying to break in just beyond your reach. I now know that it was a time of growing for sure- (spirit-willing but definitely flesh- weak times!). I had not yet fully embraced the spiritual breakthroughs to really see the truth of a larger picture – of myself, God, and a world that begs for all of us to be continually conscious and bear fruit that will last.

The Gospel this weekend reminds us of the familiar story of the vine and the branches. Jesus, vine, is rooted and stable and will always bring the nourishment we need. Many of us think the spiritual transformation of life begins with a breakthrough into big-picture seeing. Yet theologian John Shea would remind us that “ordinary consciousness is acutely aware and highly invested in physical and social reality….then an event forces us to look up and see more than we had previously considered. This larger vision forces us to evaluate our previous preoccupation.”

This is where the pruning that is the work of the vine grower comes into play. In the Gospel, Jesus calls himself the “true” vine in relation to God the vine-grower, while his followers are the branches. To participate in this union, we are to remain in Christ by obeying the commandments, at the heart of which are faith and love in action. Those who desire to follow Jesus will have some dying to do so that they might serve God’s people. By remaining in Christ, we will be pruned, we will produce fruit, and glorify God.

Pruning is a matter of cutting away what might obstruct further growth. If we want to grow in the larger vision and the works it inspires, most probably we have to engage in a process of letting go – otherwise known as “detachment.”  Shea elaborates:

Detachment leads to emptiness. Emptiness leads to openness and receptivity. Consciousness is more spacious. The big picture – the continual flow of life and love from

The Source into creation– is accommodated and becomes more and more persuasive.

 Abiding in the vine begins to happen.”

Can fruit be far behind?

For reflection:

In what area(s) of your life do you sense some kind of “pruning” going on?

How might you be invited to “bear fruit” in a new way right now?

                                                      – Carol Pisani

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